Trustee Seeks Community Input


Matthew Dent                                                                                                                             Phone 775-298-1005                                                                                                                 Email                                                                                 Website


For Immediate Release

Trustee Seeks Community Input


Matthew Dent, an Incline Village General Improvement District Trustee, has created a web page that anyone can use to effectively and conveniently communicate with Trustees.

This citizen engagement portal is designed to fulfill his campaign promises of more fiscal transparency, better communication, and smarter planning within our community.  The public can anonymously submit questions, compliments or complaints regarding community issues via  Mr. Dent will personally read and review all of them to help him serve the public better in his role as an IVGID Trustee.  Additionally, Mr. Dent intends to post regular updates on matters of interest to citizens.

The public can also suggest topics and questions for FlashVote surveys. Mr. Dent has signed a deal to personally sponsor the FlashVote service for the benefit of the whole IVGID community.

The input received from individual submissions and from FlashVote will ensure that he has candid and representative input from the community to share with the IVGID Board of Trustees and Staff. The goal of this new citizen engagement portal is to inform the community of current issues, and encourage and increase public engagement, so that IVGID can do a better job of serving public wants and needs.

As Mr. Dent stated, “This new engagement portal should be great for anonymously gathering public comments and insights on community issues, while the FlashVote service is already proven tool for gathering local opinions and desires.  Being able to have candid community guidance on important issues will help me, the Board and Staff make better decisions. I hope to hear from you soon!”

To give your input to Mr. Dent, please go to To join the local FlashVote community for IVGID constituents, you can sign up at

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