They say the world has become too complex for simple answers. There are no easy answers, but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right."  

- President Reagan

My pledge to you

  • To speak up when I sense the Board and staff are not following the policies, practices, and Statutes.

  • To ask tough questions and do what is morally right.

  • To open up IVGID's expenses and take a deep dive into the line item budget eliminating waste.

  • To challenge business as usual when it comes to inconsistent and inaccurate reporting.

  • To build rapport and rebuild communication that for far too long has been inconsistent.

  • To listen to your concerns, questions, & ideas.

If you have any questions, concerns, issues, or complaints please email Matthew at


Issues to focus on within the community


Financial Transparency- We need simple reporting that is accurate, consistent and easy for our constituents to understand.  We need an extensive audit including internal controls, zero based budgeting, and display in more detail exactly how the public funds are being spent.


Communication-  Clear communication + consistency creates trust.   Our Board should utilize FlashVote to prioritize the wants and needs of the community.

Planning-  Planning for longevity and stability creates more value for the parcel owners.  We need to plan for a center of town, to beautify our village, & underground utility lines.  Let's move Incline Village into the 21st century.